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My precious makeup possessions (Part 1)

As a makeup addict-turned artist I  have over the years collected  a number of makeup products and tools of the trade.  Some have turned out to be all hype but no substance but most of them have been very good buys in that they make putting makeup on easier.  So I thought I'd share a… Continue reading My precious makeup possessions (Part 1)

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Ladies who brunch and go makeup shopping (Part 2 / Manchester)

Even before meeting my friend Asha in London for a girls’ day out in May (the topic of my Ladies who brunch and go make-up shopping (Part 1 / London) blog post, we had planned that she would come and stay with us in Manchester for a weekend at the end of June.  It so happened that… Continue reading Ladies who brunch and go makeup shopping (Part 2 / Manchester)